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Freeform warehouse manager

I designed and built a warehouse inventory management application for Freeform, a commercial furniture company in Idaho and Washington.

The application allows Freeform to track orders and pallets across multiple warehouses, and coordinate arrival and departure dates.

React Node.js JavaScript AWS MySQL UI design
Screenshot of the Freeform warehouse manager website. The website features a map-like grid of pallet locations in a warehouse, imitating the layout of the physical warehouse location. The locations are color coded according to whether they are available or occupied.


Freeform needed a better way to manage inventory across multiple warehouses. Their existing system was limited to a single warehouse, only worked on desktop, and lacked the UI/UX refinements necessary for efficient day-to-day operations.

I was brought in to redesign and expand the warehouse manager application, transforming it into a robust inventory management tool. The result was an intuitive, fully responsive system that enabled Freeform to track orders and pallets, coordinate arrival and departure dates, and streamline warehouse operations across multiple locations.

What I did

  • Redesigned the application from the ground up, significantly improving UI/UX
  • Expanded functionality to support multiple warehouses
  • Built interactive warehouse layouts to visualize pallet locations
  • Enhanced order and pallet tracking, including overdue shipment detection
  • Added billing capabilities based on warehouse storage duration
  • Made the application fully responsive for phones, tablets, and desktops
  • Ensured full keyboard accessibility for improved usability

Before redesign

Screenshot of the Freeform warehouse manager website. The website features a map-like grid of pallet locations in a warehouse, imitating the layout of the physical warehouse location. The locations are color coded according to whether they are available or occupied.

After redesign

Screenshot of the Freeform warehouse manager website. The website features a map-like grid of pallet locations in a warehouse, imitating the layout of the physical warehouse location. The locations are color coded according to whether they are available or occupied. Screenshot of the Freeform warehouse manager website. The website features a map-like grid of pallet locations in a warehouse, imitating the layout of the physical warehouse location. The locations are color coded according to whether they are available or occupied. Screenshot of the Freeform warehouse manager website. The website features a map-like grid of pallet locations in a warehouse, imitating the layout of the physical warehouse location. The locations are color coded according to whether they are available or occupied.


The redesigned warehouse manager significantly improved Freeform’s inventory tracking and warehouse operations. With a more intuitive UI, enhanced tracking features, and support for multiple warehouses, the system became a critical tool in Freeform’s logistics workflow.